Tuesday, October 19, 2010







I didn't write my blog so long.

Since my father passed away on July 23rd, it took me exactly three months to put myself together and move forward. First, I had to realize that the day which sometime should come actually became the reality, and it came too soon and unexpectedly. If it took me for three months to get back to my life, then, how long it would take for my mother to get back to her normal life? Actually, it will never be a normal life for her without my father.

This last three months, I found nothing was touching except for many kind words from my friends. I set myself in the deep regrets, grief, and some kind of anger -it was very difficult time of my life.

Then, one day in October, I realized that there were much more hydrangeas are blooming in my small backyard. The colour of them have changed to beautiful deep purple and yellow. It was so beautiful, and it really impressed me. Among them, just one stem of hydrangea started blooming recently, and it cheered me up a lot.

It must be my father who watching me over to make sure that I am OK...
Also, friends like you, who are reading this blog now, maybe let the flower bloom even it is out of the season.
Thank you so much for your encouragements.

Monday, May 24, 2010

“Wisdom” - Chinese Tearoom (茶言奶语)

Last Saturday, I found a great place for you to hang out with your friends in Halifax. It is a tearoom which is called “Wisdom” (茶言奶语), and it is located on 1075 Victoria Road, Halifax.

I was really impressed with its spacious chic looking Chinese Tea Room. Who wouldn’t love a place like this? They have a computer room with several computers for those who would like to have computer access -there is a charge for access to this room, private rooms for customers who order more than $50 of food and drinks (no charge for the rooms, and there are two rooms). You can enjoy watching TV or Karaoke with your friends if you wish.

I tried Mango bubble tea this time, and it was really tasty. Bubble tea is a sweet tea beverage with milk and tapioca pearls, and typically served cold. They serve some Chinese sweets and dumplings, which are cooked in their kitchen.

The time of operation is: Monday to Wednesday: 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Thursday: Closed
Friday & Saturday 2:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
Sunday 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(Please confirm the business hour, especially for Sunday)

Website: www.wisdomtea.ca
Phone: 902.446.3386 / 902.407.7212

Please check it out!

ウィズダムと言(い)う喫茶店(きっさてん)で、1075 Victoria Road にあります。




営業時間(えいぎょうじかん): 月曜日から水曜日まで 2:00 p.m. 〜 10:00 p.m., 木曜日 休業, 金曜日と土曜日 2:00 p.m. 〜 12:00 a.m., 日曜日   3:00 p.m. 〜10:00 p.m. (営業時間はお確かめ下さい。)

ホームページ: www.wisdomtea.ca
電話: 902.446.3386 / 902.407.7212

Sunday, May 16, 2010

I didn't think Japanese people were religious...... 日本人が信仰深いとは思いませんでした

This is an article from “My Embarrassing Language Mistakes” in the Hiragana Times, April 2010 Edition. This is a reader’s embarrassing mistake because of the cultural differences between Japan and English speaking countries.

The case of James, who didn’t go to morning service

My Japanese boss asked me if I would like to attend morning service with him tomorrow. I am not religious and I’d feel uncomfortable attending service, so I said no. He seemed taken aback when I declined his offer. I didn’t think Japanese people were religious!

Response from Japanese person

James, next time you should accept. Morning service in English means going to a place of worship, but in Japanese, it refers to breakfast meal at a café. I think your boss just wanted to have breakfast with you.


日本人(にほんじん)の上司(じょうし)が、明日(あした)一緒(いっしょ)にモーニング•サービスに行(い)かないかと私(わたし)に聞(き)きました。私は、信仰 心(しんこうしん)が無(な)いので、そうすることは やっかいな気(き)がしました。 そこで、「ノー」と言(い)いました。彼(かれ)は、私が彼の誘(さそ)いを断(ことわ)ったので、少(すこ)し驚(おどろ)いたようでした。日本人が信仰深い(しんこうぶかい)とは思(おも)いませんでした。



Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day - 母の日

It is Mothers’ day in Japan today. I can only see my parents once a year because I have been living in Canada for a long time.

“Oyakouko shitaitokini wa oya wa nashi” Is a Japanese saying, which means, “By the time you wish to be a good son, your parents are long gone”. Only after you lose your parents, do you realize how much you owe to them.

When I was younger, I thought that my parents would live forever. As I have aged, not having any children, I have appreciated the difficulties of my parents bringing up three children.

I wanted to buy a house for my parents, but unfortunately, it seems like it is not happening. However, I know my parents would be happy if I am in a good health and working the best I can every day.

Well, I would like to call my mother now.


親孝行したいときには親はなし(おやこうこう したいときには おやはなし) と言(い)う諺(ことわざ)は、親(おや)に孝行(こうこう)しようと思(おも)ったときには、親は亡(な)くなってしまった後(あと)だということです。失(うし)って初(はじ)めて親(おや)のありがたみが分(わ)かるものだということです。




Saturday, May 1, 2010

Momo-chan's Muffins-ももちゃんのマフィン

Today, Sydney(Momo-chan)taught me how to bake Banana Muffins. It was so delicious, I would like to introduce to you how to make it. This recipe is mostly quoted from “Cook Great Food”by Dietitians of Canada.

Prepare oven to 350℉(180℃).

1 1/4 cups   (300ml) all-purpose flour 小麦粉(こむぎこ)  
1 tsp (5ml)  baking soda ベーキングソーダ  
½ tsp     (2ml) baking powder ベーキングパウダー
¾ cup    (175ml) granulated sugar グラニュー糖(とう) 
1 egg 卵(たまご)
1 egg white 卵白(らんぱく)
¼ cup    (50ml) lower-fat plain yogurt 低脂肪(ていしぼう)プレーン•ヨーグルト 
¼ cup (50ml) vegetable oil サラダ油(さらだゆ)
1 tsp (5ml) vanilla バニラエッセンス  
1 cup (250ml) mashed ripe bananas つぶした、熟(じゅく)したバナナ(about 2 to 3 medium) 2〜3本(ぼん)

1. In a bowl, sift together flour, baking soda, and baking powder. Set aside.
2. In a large mixing bowl, blend sugar, egg, egg white, yogurt, oil and vanilla. Blend in bananas. Add dry ingredients; mix
until just combined.
3. Spoon batter into 12 greased or paper lined muffin cups. Bake at 350°F (180℃) for 18 to 22 minutes, or until firm to

Tip: To check if the muffins are cooked, take the muffins out of the oven and stick a piece of dry uncooked spaghetti into the muffin. If there is residue left on the spaghetti, the muffins are not cooked yet.

今日(きょう)は、シドニー(ももちゃん)がバナナ•マフィンの作り方(つくりかた)を教(おし)えてくれました。とてもおいしかったので、皆(みな)さんに作り方をご紹介(しょうかい)しましょう。このレシピは、主(おも)にDietitians of Canada—カナダの栄養士(えいようし)による「Cook Great Food」というお料理(りょうり)の本(ほん)から引用(いんよう)しました。

オーブンをあらかじめ華氏(かし)350度(ど)- 摂氏(せっし)180度(ど)に暖(あた)めておく。

2. 大(おお)きなボールに砂糖(さとう)、卵(たまご)、卵白(らんぱく)、ヨーグルト、サラダ油(ゆ)、そしてバニラエッセン
3. 油(あぶら)を塗(ぬ)った、または紙(かみ)のライナーをおいた12のマフィンカップにスプーンでマフィンのこねた材料(ざ
いりょう)を分(わ)け入(い)れる。華氏(かし)350度(ど)- 摂氏180度(ど)で18分(ぷん)から22分(ふん)、また


Saturday, April 24, 2010

On-line free Japanese Lesson using anime and manga-アニメとマンガで学ぶ無料日本語レッスン

Would you know a website where you can learn about common Japanese expressions which are used in the anime and manga. This website is called “Anime/Manga no Nihongo”. You can actually take lessons for free with audio and illustrations, and the lessons are based on dialogue used in popular anime and manga outside of Japan.

This may be a very good website to demonstrate the expression differences in the Japanese language base on gender, age and the class of the speakers.

Fun quizzes and games are available; the content and its study format can be modified according to your level of Japanese and preference. So, why don’t you go to anime-manga. Jp, and explore the site!



楽(たの)しいクイズやゲームもあり、あなたの日本語のレベルや好(この)みによって学習(がくしゅう)の内容(ないよう)や方法(ほうほう)を変(か)えることもできます。では、 anime-manga. Jpを体験(たいけん)してみてください!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

一期一会 - ichigo ichie

What is the meaning of “Ichigo ichie”? (Literally, it means “One time, one meeting”)
It means that meeting with people is a one-time experience in a lifetime, thus one should treasure the meeting.

Originally, “Ichigo ichie” is derived from the teaching of the Japanese tea ceremony by the tea master, Sen no Rikyu. Even though we are going to have many more tea ceremonies, each tea ceremony is unique and will be never the same. Thus, we should consider that the tea ceremony is one time experience in a lifetime, and we should show the best faith to the person whom you are meeting.

It is wonderful to have opportunities to meet Japanese people whom we never would have met in Japan, as well as Canadians and people from all over the world in Halifax. I would like to keep this word “ichigo ichie” in my mind whenever I meet people.


