Today, I made “o-nigiri” and “maki-zushi” with one of my students Sydney and her mom, Leslie. This was the first time for them to make either dish, they did very well, and we all had a great time.
“o-nigiri” is rice balls. Normally Japanese people use pickled plums, grilled salted salmon, salted cod roe, or pickled vegetable as ingredients to put them in the centre of the rice balls. We used shrimp tempura to put in the rice balls today. Rice is just plain steamed rice. It is important to keep your hands wet to make “o-nigiri”, otherwise your hands end up being covered with sticky rice. Sprinkle some salt on your palms to make rice balls. You can wrap the “o-nigiri” with seasoned seaweed, so that rice won’t stick on your fingers when you eat it.
O-nigiri is different from “nigiri-zushi”. “Nigiri-zushi” is normally known as “sushi”, they are made with hand-shaped small rice balls which are mixed with rice vinegar and seasonings. Normally, raw fish, clam, boiled shrimp, or grilled eel etc. are individually(one kind of ingredient) sitting on top of the rice ball.
The sushi we made today is “maki-zushi”, which is rolled sushi. We used avocado, cucumber, smoked salmon, asparagus, shrimp tempura for ingredients. When you make “maki-zushi”, you should keep your hands wet while you are making “maki-zushi” except for when you take a sheet of seaweed from the bag.
今日、私の生徒の一人であるシドニーちゃんとお母さんのレスリーさんと一緒(いっしょ)に「おにぎり」と「巻き寿司(まきずし)」を作(つく)りました。 ふたりは、今回(こんかい)初めて(はじめて)「おにぎり」と「巻き寿司」を作ったらしいのですが、とても上手(じょうず)にできて、私たちはとても楽しい(たのしい)時間(じかん)を過(す)ごせました。