Today, I am quoting the article “A Little Incident at the One Day Hot Spring” on Hiragana Times Magazine, No. 282, Page 21.
A little incident at the “One Day” Hot Spring
From late March through the beginning of April, pink colored cherry blossoms appear across Japan. They are very colorful, and places popular for cherry blossom viewing get very crowded. So, every year I go to a hot spring near my home where one can view cherry blossoms.
At this “one day onsen (hot spring),” you can relax for an entire day for less than 1,000 yen. It is blissful to see cherry blossoms while taking an open-air bath. In Japan, where it is common to bathe naked, taking a towel into the hot water is considered bad manners.
Last spring, a stern looking man of about 30 was sitting near me in the bath with his towel over his shoulders. The didn’t take it off, and nobody said anything to him.
When he got out of the bath, the towel fell. He had cherry blossoms tattooed on both shoulders. As Japanese gangsters commonly wear this kind of tattoo, many people fear those with tattoos. Therefore, at public baths there is usually a sign at the entrance refusing admission to those with tattoos.
This man obviously ignored the sign. Some people must have seen his tattoos, but just pretended they didn’t. The man quickly picked up his towel and recovered his shoulders. That is when our eyes met.
I also pretended not to notice, but with an embarrassed look on his face, he bowed. I don’t know whether he was a real gangster or not., but he seemed like a weak person, so I bowed in return. I felt sorry for him thinking that for the rest of his life, every time he would go to an onsen, he would have to hide his shoulders.
3月下旬(げじゅん)から4月の上旬(じょうじゅん)にかけて、日本中(にほんじゅう)にピンク色の桜(さくら)の花(はな)が咲(さ)きます。とても 華(はな)やかで、花見(はなみ)で人気(にんき)の場所(ばしょ)はとても混(こ)みます。
この日帰(ひがえ)り温泉(おんせん)では、千円(せんえん)以下(いか)で一日(いちにち)のんびりできます。露天風呂(ろてんぶろ)につかりながらの花見(はなみ)は最高(さいこう)です。 裸(はだか)で湯船(ゆぶね)に入(はい)るのが
男(おとこ)が湯船(ゆぶね)を出(で)たとき、タオルが落(お)ちました。男(おとこ)の肩(かた)には 桜(さくら)の入れ墨(いれずみ)がありました。日本の