Saturday, March 27, 2010

Japanese first names

Today, I would like to talk about Japanese first names. As you may know there are three writing systems in Japanese: kanji, hiragana and katakana. Most of the time, we use Kanji - Chinese characters, for names. Because each kanji has its meaning, parents choose the names for their children with their special wishes.

For instance, if the parents wish the child to become a cheerful child, the kanji such as 明、晶、朗、輝、晴、陽 (This is only some of examples) will be used, and 大、宏、広、浩、寛、容 (Again, this is only some examples) may be used if parents wish the child to become a generous-hearted person.

My parents wished for their children to help each other and nourish bonding between brother and sister. So, they named three children using the parts of a tree: 幹(a trunk), 枝(a branch) and 葉 (a leaf). I love my name and appreciate my parents’ thought and idea to come up with my name and my siblings'.

今日は、日本人の名前(なまえ)について少し(すこし)お話し(おはなし)しましょう。日本語は漢字(かんじ)、ひらがな、カタカナを使って書きますが、ほとんどの場合(ばあい)、日本人の名前には漢字が使われて(つかわれて)います。 漢字にはそれぞれの意味(いみ)があるので、「どんな子に育って(そだって)ほしいか」という両親(りょうしん)の願い(ねがい)がこめられている場合が多い(おおい)のです。

